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Here is a full list of all the bodybuilding amino acids and their functions in our bodies.

L-Alanine - An important source of energy for muscle tissue, the brain and central nervous system; strengthens the immune system by producing antibodies; helps in the metabolism of sugars and organic acids.

L-Arginine* - A bitter tasting amino acid found in proteins and necessary for nutrition; its absence from the diet leads to a reduced production of spermatozoa... Arginine significantly contributes to insulin production, muscle metabolism, liver lipid metabolism, and is a component of collagen. It enhances the immune system, specifically by stimulating the thymus gland and the manufacture of T cells. This increase in T cell activity can be effective in fighting bacteria, viruses, cancer tumor cells, AIDS, chronic fatigue, and other immune system related health challenges. Arginine is a factor for maintaining the nitrogen balance in muscles; and can enhance the lean tissue to fat tissue body fat ratio; a great factor for weight management. Arginine also neutralizes ammonia, which helps in liver detoxification and regeneration. As a component of collagen, it can assist with wound healing, skin problems, arthritis, and connective tissue problems.

L-Asparagine - This amino acid is found mostly in meat sources, so vegetarians might need to consider supplementation. Asparagine balances the central nervous system and prevents excess nervousness/anxiety or excessive calmness/depression.

L-Aspartic - Aids in the expulsion of harmful ammonia from the circulatory system. When ammonia enters the circulatory system it acts as a highly toxic substance which can be harmful to the central nervous system and cause neural and brain disorders. Aspartic acid deficiency decreases cellular energy and may likely be a factor in chronic fatigue. Plants, especially sprouting seeds, are abundant in aspartic acid.

L-Carnitine - Anyone concerned with decreasing body fat will want to assure their daily level of carnitine, because carnitine helps TRANSPORT FAT from fat cells to the mitochondria of muscle cells so it can be BURNED UP FOR ENERGY. It is hard to imagine how a weight loss program could ever be effective with a deficiency of carnitine. Current levels of excessive body fat in the general population indicate a high level of carnitine deficiency. Interestingly, carnitine is not part of the "essential" nutrient group because the body manufactures it. But the manufacturing process requires adequate iron, Vitamin B1, B6, and C, and the amino acids lysine and methionine (neither of these amino acids are obtainable in sufficient amounts from vegetable sources). Carnitine deficiency will result if any of those nutrients are at inadequate levels, so supplementation is absolutely essential, especially for vegetarians. Carnitine is great nutrient for diabetes prevention since poor fat metabolism is a causative factor for the development of diabetes. It is also great for heart disease prevention because it lowers triglycerides, improves organ muscle strength and enhances the antioxidant effectiveness of Vitamins C and E. Also, studies indicate that cardiac surgery damages to the heart can be reduced with carnitine treatments. Recent research has shown that at high doses (1,000- 3,000 mg. daily), carnitine acts as an agent to reduce blood triglycerides. ELevated triglycerides can lead to an increased risk of small vessel diseases, including poor circulation in the hands and feet as well as kidney problems.

L-Carnosine - Carnosine is a small molecule composed of the amino acids histidine and alanine. Carnosine is found in relatively high concentrations in several body tissues-most notably in skeletal muscle, heart muscle, nerve tissue and brain. The exact biological role of carnosine is not well understood, but many studies indicate that carnosine has antioxidant potential. Carnosine may also act as a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger in the nervous system). Carnosine generates nitric oxide better than arginine. Nitric oxide helps dilate blood vessels. Carnosine has been called a longevity nutrient since laboratory studies on tissues indicate that it can delay senescence and provoke cellular rejuvenation in cultured human fibroblasts. Carnosine has been called the anti-aging and anti-oxidant dipeptide.

L-Citrulline - Functions primarily in the liver. Like other amino acids, citrulline detoxifies ammonia is involved in the energy cycle, and enhances the immune system.

L-Cysteine & L-Cystine - These amino acids are structured very closely and convert into each other as needed. They are involved in collagen production for skin elasticity and texture, and for alpha-keratin for fingernails, toenails, and hair. In fact, hair and skin are made up of 10-14% Cystine. This makes supplemental cysteine great for burn and surgery recovery, it is also recommended in treating rheumatoid arthritis. Cysteine is a powerful free radical destroyer by itself, but works best when vitamin E and selenium are present. It helps detoxify and protect the body from radiation damage, so it is often used in conjunction with chemotherapy and radiation cancer treatments. Cysteine is a precursor to the liver detoxifying and antioxidant amino acid glutathione. This functionality provides an anti-aging effect on the body—even reducing the accumulation of age spots. Another impressive function is the break down of mucus in the respiratory tract which can help in bronchitis, emphysema, and tuberculosis. N-acetylcysteine is the best form of cysteine supplementation and has been proven more effective at increasing glutathione levels than supplements of glutathione itself, or supplements of just L-cysteine. Caution: Cystinuria is a genetic disease where cystine kidney stones are formed. People with this disease should not take supplemental cysteine.

L-Glutamic Acid - Glutamic Acid is the precursor of GABA but has somewhat the opposite function; it is an excitatory neurotransmitter. It is one of the few nutrients that crosses the blood-brain barrier and is the only means by which ammonia in the brain can be detoxified. It is considered to be nature's "Brain food" by improving mental capacities; and is used in the treatment of depression, ADD and ADHD, fatigue and chronic fatigue, alcoholism, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, mental retardation, and schizophrenia.

L-Glutamine - Glutamine readily passes the blood-brain barrier and increases the amount of glutamic acid and GABA; thereby enhancing normal nervous system function. As amino acids chemically change, ammonia is released. Glutamine plays a role in the removal of this toxic ammonia from the brain. Because glutamine's role in the nervous system is so important, during times of stress, illness, or surgery up to one third of the muscle stores of glutamine are released for nervous system usage; causing extensive muscle deterioration and loss. The muscle glutamine release is much lower if glutamine levels are increased through supplemental L-glutamine. Supplemental L-glutamine is also used therapeutically for arthritis, autoimmune diseases, developmental disabilities, impotence, schizophrenia, and for tissue damage from cancer radiation treatments. Caution: Supplemental glutamine should not be taken by anyone with a disproducts/productsindex that causes an accumulation of ammonia in the blood (kidney or liver problems, Reye's syndrome, etc.)

L-Glutathione - The liver produces glutathione from the amino acids cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. Glutathione deficiency results in early aging and in the loss of coordination, balance, tremors, and mental disorders. Glutathione levels decline with age and if not corrected will accelerate the aging process; so supplementation is important. But the assimilation of supplemental oral glutathione is questionable. Instead it is best to supplement with cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine and have the body use those raw materials to manufacture needed glutathione.

L-Glycine - Glycine supplies additional creatine to muscles and is used to construct DNA and RNA. It functions in skin, connective tissues, the central nervous system and prostate. A proper level of cellular glycine produces more energy, but too much glycine can cause fatigue.

L-Histidine* - An essential amino acid found in protein that is important for the growth and repair of tissue like muscle and tendon... Is found abundantly in red and white blood cells and is a component of the myelin sheaths that protect nerve cells. It is used in the treatment of arthritis, allergies, and ulcers. <

L-Isoleucine* - An essential amino acid found in proteins; isomeric with leucine... One of three branched-chain amino acids (the others are leucine and valine) that enhance energy, increase endurance, and aid in muscle tissue recovery and repair. This group also lowers elevated blood sugar levels and increases growth hormone production. Supplemental isoleucine should always be combined with leucine and valine at a respective milligram ratio.

L-Leucine* - A white crystalline amino acid occurring in proteins that is essential for nutrition; obtained by the hydrolysis of most dietary proteins but found naturally too... One of three branched-chain amino acids (the others are isoleucine and valine) that enhance energy, increase endurance, and aid in muscle tissue recovery and repair. This group also lowers elevated blood sugar levels and increases growth hormone production. Supplemental leucine should always be combined with isoleucine and valine at a respective milligram ratio.

L-Lysine* - An essential amino acid found in proteins; occurs especially in gelatin and casein but is found in meat and eggs... Lysine is especially needed for adequate absorption of calcium and bone development in children. It aids in the production of antibodies, hormones & enzymes. Recent studies have shown that Lysine may be effective against herpes by improving the balance of nutrients that reduce viral growth. A deficiency may result in tiredness, inability to concentrate, irritability, bloodshot eyes, retarded growth, hair loss, anemia & reproductive problems.

L-Methionine* - A crystalline amino acid containing sulfur; found in most proteins and essential for nutrition... This amino acid is a principle supplier of sulfur, which inactivates free radicals. Adequate methionine prevents disorders of the hair, skin and nails; helps lower cholesterol levels by increasing the liver's production of lecithin; reduces liver fat and protects the kidneys. Methionine is a natural chelating agent for heavy metals and helps detoxify the body of these metals. It regulates the formation of ammonia and creates ammonia-free urine which reduces bladder irritation. It also influences hair follicles and prevents brittle hair.

L-Norvaline - This is an analogue of the branched chain amino acid Valine. This ingredient is added to the formula to inhibit the arginase enzyme, therefore increasing arginine concentrations for enhanced conversion to nitric oxide.

L-Ornithine - Ornithine participates in the release of growth hormone, which then prompts the metabolism of excess body fat. This process is enhanced by the presence of arginine and carnitine.

L-Phenylalanine* - An essential amino acid found in proteins and needed for growth of children and for protein metabolism in children and adults; abundant in milk and eggs; it is normally converted to tyrosine in the human body and is important for exercise recovery... Used by the brain to produce dopamine and norepinephrine, chemicals that promote alertness, elevate mood, decrease pain, aid in memory and learning, and reduce hunger and appetite.

L-Proline - Is obtained primarily from meat and aids in maintaining collagen (skin protein). Proline deficiency will cause an uncareful vegetarian to have early signs of skin aging. Proline also strengthens joints, tendons, connective tissue, and cartilage.

L-Pyroglutamic Acid - L-Pyroglutamic Acid is believed to be associated with activity of the key neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, and with the production of GABA and glycine, two other important neurotransmitters. It is usually recommended in the 1000 to 3000 mg range. This amino acid can pass through the blood brain barrier to stimulate cognitive function.

L-Serine - A storage source of glucose by the liver and muscles; helps strengthen the immune system by providing antibodies; synthesizes fatty acid sheath around nerve fibers.

L-Taurine - Helps stabilize the excitability of membranes which is very important in the control of epileptic seizures. Taurine and sulfur are considered to be factors necessary for the control of many biochemical changes that take place in the aging process; aids in the clearing of free radical wastes. A deficiency of zinc and taurine may impair vision. It is used theraputically for people with hypertension, aterosclerosis, edema, cardiac arrhythmias, anxiety, epilepsy, hyperactivity, seizures, breast cancer, Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy. Taurine is in eggs, fish, meat, and milk, but not in vegetable proteins. It can be synthesized from cysteine and methionine as long as sufficient quantities of vitamin B6 are present.

L-Theanine - L-Theanine is commonly found in Green Tea and is clinically proven to promote relaxation, reduce caffeine's negative effects, alleviate PMS symptoms in women, aggression in men, reduce stress & anxiety and improve learning ability.

L-Threonine* - A colorless crystalline amino acid found in protein; occurs in the hydrolysates of certain proteins; an essential component of human nutrition... Is an important constituent of collagen, elastin, and enamel protein; helps prevent fat build-up in the liver; helps the digestive and intestinal tracts function more smoothly; assists metabolism and assimilation.

L-Tryptophan* - An amino acid that occurs in proteins; is essential for growth and normal metabolism; a precursor of niacin... A natural relaxant, helps alleviate insomnia by inducing normal sleep; reduces anxiety and depression; helps in the treatment of migraine headaches; helps the immune system; helps reduce the risk of artery and heart spasms; works with lysine in reducing cholesterol levels.

L-Tyrosine - Promotes the healthy functioning of the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands. Supresses the appetite and helps to reduce body fat. Research indicates tyrosine may help chronic fatigue, narcolepsy, anxiety, depression, allergies, headaches, and Parkinson's disease.

L-Valine* - An essential amino acid found in proteins; important for growth in children and nitrogen balance in adults... One of three branched-chain amino acids (the others are leucine and isoleucine) that enhance energy, increase endurance, and aid in muscle tissue recovery and repair. This group also lowers elevated blood sugar levels and increases growth hormone production. Supplemental valine should always be combined with isoleucine and leucine at a respective milligram ratio.

Alpha-Ketoglutaric Acid AKG - A naturally-occurring chemical, formed primarily as part of the citric acid cycle inside cells. One of its most important functions is to detoxify ammonia from tissues of the central nervous system. In the brain and central nervous system, alpha-keto combines with ammonia to form glutamic acid and then glutamine. Glutamine crosses the brain-blood barrier and transports the ammonia out of the brain. Alpha-ketoglutaric also scavenges nitrogen released by the catabolism of amino acids, thereby balancing the body's nitrogen chemistry and preventing nitrogen overload in body tissues and fluids.

Creatine Monohydrate - Our bodies naturally make the compound, which is used to supply energy to our muscles. It is produced in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys, and is transported to the body's muscles through the bloodstream. Once it reaches the muscles, it is converted into phosphocreatine (creatine phosphate). This high-powered metabolite is used to regenerate the muscles' ultimate energy source, ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

DL- Panthenol - DL-Panthenol, aka Pro-Vitamin B5, is a stable lit racemic mixture of D-Panthenol and L-Panthenol. The human body converts D-Panthenol to Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), a natural constituent of healthy hair and a substance present in all living cells. The benefits include stimulation of epithelisation, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Equally effective for moisturization, improvement of hair structure and adding luster and sheen to the hair.

Glucosamine Sulfate - This is an amino sugar normally formed in humans from glucose. It is the starting point for the synthesis of many important macromolecules including: glycoproteins, glycolipids, and glycos- aminoglycans (mucopolysaccharides). These macromolecules make up many of the body's tissues including: basement membranes, mucous membranes in the digestive and respiratory tracts, and synovial fluid in the joints. A deficiency of glucosamine can reduce the rate of production of these important macromolecules thereby leading to specific tissue weakness. In certain cases of trauma to the tissues, the amount of glucosamine normally synthesized by the body is insufficient. The tissues containing these glucosamine macromolecules include tendons and ligaments, cartilage, synovial fluid, mucus membranes, several structures in the eye, blood vessels, and heart valves.

Stearic Acid - Also called  Octadecanoic Acid, stearic acid is one of the most common long-chain fatty acids, found in combined form in natural animal and vegetable fats. This is not commercial "stearic acid" which is a mixture of approximately equal amounts of stearic and palmitic acids and small amounts of oleic acid. That form is employed in the manufacture of candles, cosmetics, shaving soaps, lubricants, and pharmaceuticals.

(*Denotes Essential Amino Acid)

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